Selective Pallet Racking is a versatile and flexible Industrial Racking system ideal for a warehouse with both fixed and variable storage needs. Our horizontal load beams are held in place by connectors, with the pallets resting on these beams. These beam levels are easily adjustable to accommodate several different load & pallet sizes. Working aisles, as well as the height of our racks, can be customized according to the characteristics of Material Handling Equipment, the pallet sizes and the height of the warehouse. Our framework assures convenient and unrestricted access to every pallet, thus maximizing accessibility at all times. For those storage needs where palletized products have a wide variety of SKUs with a quick turnover of the inventory, Selective Pallet Racking becomes an economical and optimal solution. Craftsman Storage offers both longitudinal and lateral transverse Pallet Racks, racks for single or double-deep storage along with narrow-aisle or broad-aisle storage.